In John 7, Jesus has gone up to Jerusalem for one of the most crowded and weeks of the year – a week of celebration and expectation – the Feast of Booths. He did not go to make a big splash of miracles. He primarily went to teach. The crowd was divided in their opinion of Jesus, from some who believed and some who wanted him dead, from some who thought he was a good man and some with lots of questions.
On the last day, the great day, Jesus stood and cried out an amazing offer and promise.
The Offer: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” All of the ceremony, all of the expectation, had its fulfillment in Him. For the nation of Israel, for ever individual within the sound of His voice, Jesus was the source of living water, God’s eternal provision for His people.
The Promise: “Whoever believes…out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” Amazingly, the drinkers of the living water will also be how the living Spirit will flow to rest of the world.
– Are you thirsty?
– Are you drinking?
– Are you flowing?
If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, then where is the problem? Jesus offers all we need to drink and to flow.