The High Priest Prays (Part 1)
In John 17 we find what has long been known as Jesus “High Priestly Prayer”. Jesus intercedes for the disciples and for everyone who will believe because of their ministry. (That includes you and me!)
In Jesus’ prayer for the disciples, we see a pattern: The reminder and then the request.
First he reminds the Father of the relationship He has with Him and with the disciples. Then He makes a request of the Father.
In the reminder we see repeated the disciples’ certain knowledge and faith in Jesus, their assurance based on Jesus’ revelation of the Father.
In the request, we see Jesus in a very tender moment of love for the disciples praying that God would guard and keep them after He leaves them. And the goal of the keeping is unity. Oneness. Such a crucial need for the disciples in the early days of the church and in the church today.