When we read the Bible, we see stories of people who took steps of faith both big and small. But every story of faith has two sides, the one who is walking by faith and the One in whom his or her faith is placed. It is a story of the one who trusts and the one who is trusted.
In our text this morning in John 4, we find a man taking three steps of faith, each with greater challenge and consequence than the one before. And Jesus shows Himself to be powerful and merciful and unhindered by either time or geography.
– Is there a next step of faith that God has laid on your heart?
– Is there someone who needs to experience grace?
– Is there someone you need to serve?
– Is there a word of kindness, exhortation or forgiveness that needs to be spoken?
These steps of faith will always be inspired and empowered by the One who more powerful and merciful than you can imagine. Pick up your foot and let Jesus take care of the consequences and the ripple effect of your obedience.