Trinitarian Loving and Living

The Trinity must not simply be the center of our doctrine. It must be at the center of our living. Like every great doctrine of the Christian faith, it must be a part of our lives and loves and not just our affirmations. And no doctrine is more profound and powerful for our living and loving than the Trinity.

Knowing and Living the Way

No matter what our circumstances, “do not let your hearts be troubled”. We know the Way and he lives with us.

When Things Get Awkward at the Supper Table

This is how everyone will know who is following Jesus. The ones who love Jesus. This was Jesus new command. New, not because it had never been heard before. New because it was the mark of his people. New because there was a higher standard, “just as I have loved you”.

Why Jesus?

There are many competing worldviews that claim to know God. So… Why Jesus?

The Glory of the King’s Cross

‘Glory’ is certainly not the word a first-century Jew would have ever used to describe a cross. Crucifixion was the most brutal, shameful means of execution devised by man. And yet as Jesus approached “the hour” of his arrest, crucifixion and resurrection, he prayed for the Father to glorify his name. And He did.

The Glory of King Jesus

As Jesus enters Jerusalem, fulfilling prophesy as he comes, we see the King of Glory being acclaimed by the crowds who shout “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!”.

Wasteful Worship

It’s about worship, and who we become when we worship. How much we treasure Jesus is measured by what we would give up to know him better and make him known.

Faith, Doubt & Emotion in the Face of Death

In the face of death there are facts in which to place our faith. Better yet, there is a person. Not only does Jesus give life. Not only does Jesus resurrect. Jesus is Himself the resurrection and the life.