Identity, Origin, Destiny

There was a lot of division and debate about how Jesus truly was. Where was He from? Where was He going? But two things were clear: No one performed signs like Him and no one spoke truth like Him.


Complaining blocks faith and trust. Thanksgiving expresses faith and ushers in trust.

When Jesus Offends

The Son of God is Himself the bread who gives life eternal. But this is offensive truth. It causes people to stumble. Some stumble and fall and never get back up. They cease to follow. Others are offended but push through to find life in Christ. Jesus offends. What will you do with that offense?

Grumbling Over the Bread

How does grumbling keep US from trusting Jesus? How does complaining keep YOU and ME from feeding on Jesus and being satisfied in Him?

Labor to Trust the True Bread!

Jesus makes four promises to those who will come to Him:
1. I will satisfy your hunger forever
2. I will not turn you away/cast you out
3. I will not lose you
4. I will raise you on the last day

From What to How to Leftovers

At Creekside Bible we constantly talk about taking the next step of faith. Pick up your foot to show grace and speak truth and leave the consequences in God’s hands. The biggest hindrance to walking by faith is probably the question “How?”. How will this work? How will this turn out? How will I serve this person? How will we afford this? How? How? Jesus wants us to trust him with the “How” and believe that he can provide all that we need above and beyond our expectations.

Hindrances to Trusting Jesus

Jesus’ enemies searched the Scriptures trying to find life, but refused to come to Jesus to get life. Why? What was the hindrance? They knew the Scriptures. The Son of God was standing right in front of them. But rather than trusting Him, their misdirected reliance on Moses, lack of love for God and their need for honor from one another held them back.

Testimonies for the Judge who Saves

Jesus of Nazareth said that if you will hear what he has to say and believe the Father who sent him that you will pass from death to life right now and never have to come into judgment. Who are the witnesses who testify on Jesus’ behalf? What is their testimony and can it be trusted?

Working in the Father’s Field

Jesus used lots of farming illustrations and metaphors to get eternal truths across to His hearers. Agricultural parables were readily accessible to everyone who heard Jesus teach. Today we will see that there is both urgency and joy in the life of the farmer. The harvest is plentiful. It is now. The sower and the reaper work together with joy.