This morning we will see that the Word became flesh. The life took on human life. And He was glorious. He was full of grace and truth. He never scraped the bottom of the barrel in an effort to get more grace and truth. And the World overflows to us with more grace and truth! The Word is how we know God. The Word is God’s way of initiating relationship with us.
Podcast: The Gospel of John
The Arrival of True Light
Last week we looked at the very first verses of the Gospel of John and saw that John went way back before the birth stories, back before any genealogy that might take us back to Abraham and even before Adam.
John opens his gospel the way the Bible itself opens: “In the beginning”. But rather than go forward from the beginning with the creation story, he goes backwards from the beginning to before the beginning, introducing us to the Word who was in the beginning. He was before the beginning, He was with God, He was God. And He was creator.
And then we saw two great words that describe the Word who was: light and life.
The prologue to John’s Gospel has two stories about the birth of Jesus. Neither one of them has a baby or a manger or wise men or shepherds or angels.
John’s birth stories are that light and life came to live in the world. Light and life arrived on our planet.
But before light arrived, he was preceded by a witness, a testifier. And when the true light arrived, light demanded a response. Some did not recognize and some received.
Light always demands a response. We must reject or receive. Neutrality is rejection. Those who receive the Light receive an amazing gift: a new life in God’s family.
The Word Was
“The Word Was.” As we dive into the first verses of the Gospel of John, taking the first steps on a long journey through this Gospel together, we start with a perplexing few verses that could leave us scratching our heads in confusion. Or they could leave us in awe and wonder! They could work a greater faith into our hearts!