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Creekside Church
Creekside Church
"This Far, and No Farther"
  • "This Far, and No Farther"

    "This Far, and No Farther"

    Sep 4, 2017 • 37:54

    A message of comfort in hard circumstances / Job 38:11 / Dean Wood

  • Desire, Deceit, and Death

    Desire, Deceit, and Death

    Sep 10, 2017 • 47:00

    Lessons from King David and his adulterous encounter with Bathsheba

  • #Blessed? Really?

    #Blessed? Really?

    Sep 17, 2017 • 39:43

    For archived sermons, please visit our iTunes store. (Messages are free!) 

  • Sin is a Taker. God is a Giver.

    Sin is a Taker. God is a Giver.

    Sep 24, 2017 • 46:19

    Sin is a Taker. God is a Giver.

  • Meekness or Weakness?

    Meekness or Weakness?

    Oct 1, 2017 • 43:13

    Jesus Christ was meek. We are called to be the same. What does this look like? How can we show restraint and patience, trusting God to work things out for His glory, when everything around us and in us is telling us to take control and show some strength?

  • Prayer and Passion of the Betrayed

    Prayer and Passion of the Betrayed

    Oct 8, 2017 • 46:17

    Enemies. Betrayal. Death staring him in the face. David has declared his faith that God is in control and God is good. But was David's faith a stoic, passionless, fearless thing? Just the opposite.

  • It's Not Easy Being King

    It's Not Easy Being King

    Oct 15, 2017 • 30:47

    As we get closer to the end of our series on the life of David, we see a series of short vignettes that give us a summary of the kind of situations he faced as king. As we look at these, we'll get a taste of what a king really…

  • God's Radical Rescue of the Righteous

    God's Radical Rescue of the Righteous

    Oct 22, 2017 • 50:11

    King David acknowledges his dependence on God and God's mighty power displayed on behalf of one he loves.

  • Counting and Counting On

    Counting and Counting On

    Oct 29, 2017 • 37:23

    David's repentance and costly sacrifice give us an example to follow and a glimpse into the future of God's people.

  • The Lord is My Shepherd

    The Lord is My Shepherd

    Nov 5, 2017 • 31:59

    "The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul." Do you need rest, refreshing, comfort? Come to the Chief Shepherd, and he will give you exactly what you need.